Interview With Malina Padgett | Full-Time Digital Nomad & House Sitter

Recently, we had a chat with Malina, she has traveled the world as a full-time digital nomad and house sitter!

Tell us a little bit about yourself– who are you, where are you from, for, do you do it full-time or sporadically
I’m a full time housesitter and digital nomad, photographer, creative freelancer, and UI/UX designer. I’m currently diving deep into my spiritual side and focusing on powering up my intuition.

What were your first experiences as a traveller?
My parents had the goal of my sister and I visitED all 50 states before we graduated high school so my first experiences as a traveler were long roadtrips with my family! 

I remember distinctly on every road trip getting tired of looking at the scenery and just wanting out of the car. 

Best travelling experience?
When I was teenager, I got the chance to go to my grandmother’s hometown in Germany with my mom, sister, and my grandmother. It was incredible to see the places I had heard so many stories about growing up.

I got the chance to visit her hometown again a few years ago, and it was fun to be able to ‘take her back’ too by FaceTiming her throughout!

What made you decide you wanted to be a digital nomad?

Generally just wanting control of my own life and my own schedule. Being able to do what I want, when I want is important to me and the digital nomad lifestyle provides you with a lot of freedom.

Would you consider going to back a 9-5 job?
I think so. Although there are a lot of benefits to being a digital nomad, I definitely miss having a sense of community and I think the digital nomad life can be really lonely at times – but the grass is always greener, eh? 

Where have you visited/lived as a digital nomad? 

I’ve done a lot of stints in different places through house sitting – Scotland, the Netherlands, Bali, all over the US – and currently in London!

Would you consider becoming a house sitter, or have already done some house sitting?
Yes – that is currently how I travel full time. I recommend it to everyone who is looking to travel on an affordable budget and ‘live’ places that they wouldn’t have the opportunity to otherwise.

What do you wish you had known before you became a digital nomad?
How overwhelming the sense of choice can be in this lifestyle. Sometimes it is so hard to know what to do next when you feel like you have too many options!

What are the best cities for digital nomads from your experience?

10000000% Bali.

Do you think the digital nomad lifestyle can be for everyone or is it just for very specific kinds of people?
I think it can definitely be for everyone! I always recommend to “try it out first” before they dive into a work abroad style trip for a few months.

Going to a city close by and spending a week or so balancing the travel side of things with working is a great way to get your toes wet!

What has been your biggest challenge?

Keeping a routine every time I’m in a new place and new time zone. I used to be really bad about it and as a result, would have a lot of anxiety. It’s essential to keep a routine no matter where you are with the travel lifestyle.

Any travel hacks you can offer?
Pack as light as you possibly can, travel places, and stay long term versus a lot of little trips, approach each new destination as a new opportunity to live outside your comfort zone!

What’s your plans for the future?

For the rest of 2021, I’m hanging out with family in Indiana, hopping back over to Alaska, and heading back to Europe for a quick trip! I’m hoping to create more content on my YouTube as well as create a few more eBooks to help those interested in traveling full time!

Want to know where else to find Malina?
Follow Malina’s adventures on her Instagram!

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