Want to know the secrets to becoming an in-demand house sitter?
Your in the right place!
Learn how to get your first house sitting assignment in less than 7 days in my free class!

You’ll get a roadmap that shows you;
EXACTLY how to build your references (when you haven’t house sat before)
HOW to LAND ANY house sit YOU WANT!
In This Class You’ll Learn:

Hi, I’m Britt – Your Host!

That’s me above during a house sit in France!
I’m Britt and in the past five years I have been house sitting around the world (it has also helped me save over $150 000)
I have looked after homes (and one boat) in 13 countries.That includes New Zealand, Australia, Italy, France, Montenegro, Greece, Croatia Malaysia, Thailand, Ireland, The UK and a catamaran in the Caribbean
I truly love this lifestyle and the (financial & travel) freedom that it has allowed me to have!
I have raving reviews from over 30 completed housesits! So I have the skills, knowledge and experience to teach you exactly how to start house sitting.
It’s my belief that you deserve to pursue what brings you joy, live the life you’ve always dreamed of, and reach the potential that lies inside of you. I’m here to help guide you along your path
What is House Sitting?
Not sure what house sitting is?
House sitting is caring for someone’s home and/ or pets while they are away. Sometimes there might be plants to water and mail to bring in.
The homeowners get the peace of mind that their home is being looked after. If they have animals, they also know they are being well cared for.
The house sitters get free accommodation and the wonderful opportunity to live in different locations around the world.
It’s a win/win situation! For both the homeowner and house sitter!
So if you want free accommodation and the opportunity to live in incredible homes around the world read on!
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